Adding a Committee Position

The committee position is the title or job responsibility for an individual on a committee.

You must specify committee positions for your committee before you can add any participants to your committee.

When you add a committee position to a committee you will choose the position to add from a list of choices that were created during committee setup. If you have not completed committee setup, you must do so before proceeding.

To Add a Committee Position:

  1. Go to the Committee Profile.
  2. Click the Setup profile tab (usually under the More tab).
  3. Click the Add icon located on the committee positions child form.
  4. Complete the following fields as needed:
  5. Field Required? Description
    committee Yes This field auto-populates with the name of the committee you are working with.
    position Yes Expand this drop-down menu and select the position to add to your committee. This drop-down list is populated by the positions added during the Setting Up Committee Positions portion of committee setup.
    order Yes Enter the list order for this position in the order field. It is a good idea to use increments of five or ten when setting the order for committee positions. This allows new positions to be inserted into the order as needed.
    term No Expand the drop-down menu and select how long individuals will hold this position.
    funded? No Click the check box if this position is funded by the committee.
    renewable? No Click the check box if this position is renewable after the term expires.
    voting? No Click this check box if individuals who hold this position will have the right to vote on the committee.
    admin? No Click this check box if individuals who hold this position will have administrator rights for the committee. This affects eWeb relationships.
    chapter? No Click this check box if this position is also a chapter position.
  6. Click the Save button. The newly added committee position appears on the committee position child form.

You must complete the Setting Up Committee Positions task before you can add positions to a committee.